May 29,1996 *********************** Windows 95 drawer Icons by "Flatto" *********************** Version 1.0 Contents of the archive "": --------------------------------------- 1. One Icon Library in ".icl" format, named "w95drwrs.icl", containing 50 "Flatto-made" drawer icons (16 colors) for win95 (I don't know win3.x - possibly You can use them on this antique system too) 2. A directory called "ico", containing -what a surprise- the above mentioned 50 icons (16 colors) as single ".ico" files 3. file_id.diz 4. This readme.txt 5. This readme.txt in "rtf" (Wordpad) format, named w95drwrs.rtf, also containing a preview of the icons... ;-) 6. flatto.htm (see * Visitware * later in this document) Install: -------- I think You will be able to find out Yourself... "...ware" status: ----------------- 0. * Hopeware *, that means if You like and/or use these icons, You HAVE TO take a minute or two for hoping that our world will not have a mankind caused breakdown within the next 50 years or ever... AND 1. * EMailware *, that means if You like and/or use these icons, please send an eMail to my following address OR 2a. * Visitware *, that means if You like and/or use these icons, please visit my Home Page. The URL is A file called "flatto.htm" is supplied with this archive to make it easier for You to perform Your duty... 2b. * Guestbookware *, that means that You please sign my guestbook on Your 2a. visit... (see enclosed "flatto.htm") Enough of "...ware" It is forbidden... ------------------ 1. ...for government and military institutions to use these icons. You can get Your stuff somewhere else. Or do it Yourself! Commercial institutions have to ask me before using them, because permission depends on what You "do" (Don't ask if Your business is nuclear energy or something like that) 2. gain profit from this archive (except if You are a Ferengi, of course) 3. change the archive, if You want to spread it And --- Use at own risk Have fun and take care. Greetings from Andreas "Flatto" Schmid (I'm still looking for an online job)